Howdy y’all,
Following up on my recent Fruits Basket slight obsession, as well as Stephanie’s request, I drew Kyo Sohma. God he is so awesome, especially at the end of the manga…
In the アニメ (anime), Kyo’s bracelet is black with white beads and in the まんが (manga), the beads are red and pink (SPOILER ALERT not really) bones. Since Steph’s only seen the Anime, I decided to go with the black and white (anyway, red and pink don’t suit him).
I guess I should write a bit of background on him, and Fruits Basket while I’m at it…
Fruits Basket (aka Furuba) centres on Tohru Honda and the 12 Zodiacs. The Sohma family is ‘cursed’ to turn into their form of Zodiac creature when hugged by the opposite sex or are weak. For example Kyo is the Cat and turns into this form when a girl (like Tohru) hugs him.
At the start of the manga/anime Kyo is a person who gets riled up quite easily and I just loved this personality. Later in the manga, his flames get lower and lower and becomes a mature man. He can also make very good おにぎり (onigiri, rice balls)…
If you love Kyo, then you have to watch Fruits Basket to support him~ (nudge nudge, wink wink)